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Hello, As multiOTP Credential Provider is a free open source product, we have only leaved open the issue in the multiOTP open source forum. Regards,
Hello, Version of our product contains a specific patch. If the device contains the name "fortinet" in it, it will send two new attributes, ATTRIBUTE Fortinet-Group-Name 1 string and ATTRIBUTE Fortinet-Access-Prof…
Hello, There is no self-service portal. If you need to re-activate a blocked token, you will juste have to type CODE1 + [space] + CODE1 (instead of the CODE). Or are you looking for something else ?…
Hello, When you are on the dashboard, by clicking on the "Used licences" information, or also under Configuration / Licensing. Regards,
Hello, The new option -nt-key-only has been added, and the FreeRADIUS 3 configuration has been modified in order to use this new option with MS-CHAP (group attribution is not returned by the FreeRADIUS 3 anymore when using MS-CHAP). …
Yes, in this case, the VPN password is in one line : "AD_PASSWORD + OTP" and must be sent in PAP between the Cisco ASA and the multiOTP FreeRADIUS service. On multiOTP side, the VPN password is separated again, the last X chars (d…
Hello, What is possible to do is to configure a multiOTP "radius only" authentication on your Cisco router, and when the request arrives on the multiOTP server, multiOTP will wait the Domain password concatenates with the OTP. (use…
Hi Benson, Sorry, you asked your question on the commercial edition. I will also send you an invitation for the open source edition. Regards,
Hello, Currently, in multiOTP, you can assign the token type "without2FA" to the user you want to exempt. Regards, Andre
Hello, The 4.3.3.x version should solve the problem. The beta version is available here: http://firmware.multiotp.com/beta/ The first 4.3.3.x release will be available in Q4/2015. Best regards,
Hello, here are the steps 1) Go on https://partner.safenet-inc.com 2) Register or login 3) Sign-In 4) Clic on SafeWord Activations 5) Activate your software licence using the the SafeWord 2008 Software Serial Number (second sticker on…
Hi Luke, Thanks for your feedback. I will keep you in touch when the discussed fixes are done. Regards, Andre
HI Luke, Just to for the others following the forum, what was the issue ? The idea is also to know how to be more clear in the quick start guide and in the forthcoming online help. Our goal is that anybody can setup the device and create twenty acc…
Hi Luke, Let's say your user ids is linked with the token with the serial number 0001000200AB, without PIN prefix activated (note that it's not a good idea to uncheck the PIN prefix, because if someone steal your token, he can connect directly). W…
A complete electronic help guide is under review and it will be integrated directly in the multiOTP Pro product in a release update during the next weeks. Regards, Andre
Hello Luke, Thanks using our multiOTP Pro device. On multiOTP Pro side, did you set up a PIN code for the user ids, and are you requesting the PIN prefix ? If yes, you need to type then PIN just before the OTP. Are your tokens new or already use…